Somniloquy (choreography by Masashi Harada), male Butoh dancer, trombone, 1992

Dialectal Percussions (choreography by Jeong-Ae Yoon), percussion, 1994 (may be performed as a concert work)

Garden Nine (vocalise, choreography by Ling Chu), 8 female voices, 4 male voices, piano, 2 pairs of rocks, 1996 (may be performed as a concert work)

Der gute Mensch von Sezuan (incidental music, play by Bertolt Brecht), 3 mechanical metronomes (around hall; 1 operator), CD, 1998

Other Encounter (choreography by the Tremont Theatre Dance Project), CD, 1999

Memories of Xiaoxiang (choreography by You Shao-ching), alto saxophone, 4-track tape, 2003 (may be performed as a concert work)

Green Piece (choreography by Tiffany Rhynard), female dancer, video, piano, 2006

Gobi Gloria (choreography by Garth Fagan, in "Mudan 175/39"), string quartet, 2006 (may be performed as a concert work)